Oldcastle APG
Tradeshow Experience

Blending the Physical and Digital Worlds

Spatial Experience
People Flows
Brand Recognition


6 Weeks

Research Synthesis

9 Person Team

Concept Development

3 Person Team


Blue Sky Experience + Oldcastle APG



"Backyard" Contractors


A BlueSky Exhibits sponsored project which explores new audience engagement methods for Oldcastle APG’s tradeshow booth. This project specifically presents an immersive experience through the integration of RFID technology in product samples.


A Double-edge Sword

While personal devices – like phones, tablets, and computers – offer the possibility for productivity, it also introduces potential distractions that can impede focus and productivity.

Proven Studying Methods

The Pomodoro Technique, a time-management method, divides studying sessions into cycles – typically 25 minutes – separated by short breaks, providing structured periods of productivity followed by rest, creating a system that rewards short-term achievements and maintains engagement.



50' x 50'

Transport Load

Reduce total booth weight.

Audience Engagement

Increase booth attraction.

Brand Initiatives

Pushing a future-forward image.

How can we design an innovative branded tradeshow exhibit with various touchpoint experiences?

The New Experience

This new experience elevates core branding elements into a new, premium expression. The green angular structure frames the new "Interactive Studio" experience, which utilizes RFID tags in product samples to materialize preset "landscape scenes" on the immersive LED-maxtrix displays.

Facilitating Gathering & Conversation

In creating a space for conversation and relationship-building, we framed half of the 50' x 50' space with information-rich components – either utilizing static or dynamic content. The relatively open atmosphere invites audience-members to congregate and converse while learning more about Oldcaslte product offerings.

Materializing Belgard Rooms

Belgard Rooms is an online platform showcasing digital 3D models of previously completed backyard projects by the Belgard Design Studio. By ornamenting the center tables with a selection of tangible mini-models, we created the opportunity to spark conversations and inspirations to Oldcastle's audience.

Dig deeper for

Understanding Existing Designs


Implement Advance technology

Oldcastle wants to be seen as an industry leader for innovation. This interpretation can be created by implementing advanced technology in their tradeshow space.


Convay oldcastle's helpful team

Oldcastle also has a team of project liaisons to assist contractors in progressing projects. Including this aspect into the space, Oldcastle can achieve a preferred outlook in the eyes of contractors.


represent Oldcastle's assistive services

Oldcastle already possesses many services designed to assist contractors on-site and during projects. By including these services in the space, we can educate contractors on the available platforms.


atmosphere for Building Relationships

By providing a supportive space for establishing and building relationships between Oldcastle employees and contractors, Oldcastle can gain more business.

Group Member's Concepts

My Concepts

Group Member's Scale Model

My 1/2" = 1' Scale Model

Embracing Logo Abstraction

My Quick Planning Sketches

